Answered on Feb 21, 2015
Number one thing I would have to tell you is that you should be treating with a doctor of your own choosing at this point. The panel doctors (who you treat with for the first 90 days) are, unfortunately, not only concerned with your well being alone. I say that as a generalization but in 4 of 5 cases I have, I have a question about the panel doctors handling of a case. The next thing I would say is that they are really asking you a medical question. You probably should be having a doctor answer these questions. Again, get your own doctor though. There is claims management going on behind the scenes here, the insurance company does not want to continue to pay wage loss and has several ways to avoid its obligations. You definitely should consult with an attorney, this type of case is a contingent case so the consult would be free and you have nothing to lose. It also helps you avoid making mistakes that could cost you your ongoing benefits or ability to return to work fully recovered (or at least with compensation for your lost earning power). Good luck.