What help is out for my son who has a parallelized arm get help ,turned down for disability!!! He can't work!

Asked in Kane, PA , on Sep 12, 2021

My son was hurt in a logging accident parallelized his arm but the co that he was working with had no insurance so he couldn’t collect anything ! He can’t work he’s in so much pain still he needs housing an no one will help

Answered on Sep 12, 2021

You should talk to an attorney that specializes in Worker’s Compensation. In many states, including Pennsylvania, if the PA Worker’s Compensation act applies to the injury there is a fund created to address uninsured employers. The rules about whether the Pennsylvania Worker’s Compensation Act would apply are very complicated, but they include the situation where the contract for hire was made in Pennsylvania even if the injury occurs elsewhere. Additionally, if he sits down or calls an attorney that handles these matters, they may also be able to see a personal injury claim. At least in Pennsylvania, immunity under the Pennsylvania Worker’s Compensation Act for the employer can be avoided at times when the employer is uninsured. He definitely needs more assistance and an individual discussion with an attorney that handles these matters.

Car ran stop sign and hit my vehicle going 40mph and according to other driver's insurance I'm 10% at fault?

Asked in Northampton, PA , on Nov 24, 2015

It was a 4 way stop sign intersection, I stopped and proceeded to make a left turn. The other vehicle ran his stop sign going at least 40mph and did not use his brakes at all. He collided with my vehicle and his insurance is claiming I’m 10% at fault. There was no way for me to avoid this accident, because it was an older gentleman, he didn’t even see me or the stop sign until he hit me. I didn’t see him running the stop sign until it was too late. I’ve had a headache for the past 3 days now and my neck hurts, and I never have any headaches. Is there anything I can do to fight this? Because now my car’s all messed up and they want me to pay to have my car fixed in an accident that wasn’t my fault.

Answered on Nov 25, 2015

You definitely should continue your treatment, there are alot of great doctors in the Lehigh Valley, I would see one and continue to treat. The headache and neck pain could be a sign of something more significant going on. The insurance question has been answered several times, but as to the potentially bigger questions you need to talk to someone about your policy, the nature of the injuries and the damages. Consults are generally free for this sort of thing and fees are generally contingent on winning or settling, so I would say the only way you are risking anything is by doing nothing. Good luck.

Was injured in weis supermarket in Easton PA

Asked in Bethlehem, PA , on Oct 14, 2015

I was injured when cases of water fell on me, my eyes were damaged when my glasses was hit and the lenses hit my right eye. I had to have surgery done on my right hand, as my finger was damaged. My right knee was pinned and swollen and damage nerves, i didn’t want to do the surgery to correct that. After my hand was left at 50/50 usage, the Weis insurance company keep transferring me from one claim specialist to another. and it’s getting no where

Answered on Oct 15, 2015

It sounds like with will need a personal injury attorney to go over the specifics of your case. Slip and fall cases are very case specific, but with the damages you are describing it seems necessary. Fees for personal injury cases are contingent and a referral would be free more than likely. Good luck.

A close friend of mine accidentally ran my foot over with her car.. I lost my job. I have no health insurance. I need med attn

Asked in Bangor, PA , on Dec 9, 2014

Is my friend going to get in trouble if I sue her? What should I do?

Answered on Dec 10, 2014

You really need to sit down and talk to someone, there is not much facts to go on here. Generally when there is a friend or family involved, I say the insurance company is the one who will feel the pain. The question you need to flesh out is – which insurance company if any? Another thought is, were you doing anything work related, maybe you would have coverage there? You also could look into public benefits.

Will I be fined for accidentally hitting a person with my car in a mall parking lot?

Asked in Greenville, PA , on Dec 23, 2010

It was 9 pm and the man was not walking in a cross walk. He was wearing a black peacoat so I did not see him untill the last second. I was not going over 10 mph, the man hit my hood and bounced off. He was relatively okay but still was talon by ambulence to a hospital. Will I be expecting a traffic fine. I know insurance should cover his medical expenses

Answered on Dec 28, 2010

IGiven that it was night time, the person was out of the crosswalk (presumably crossing and not walking in the road) and was wearing dark close, it does not sound like something they would cite you for. However, it would be in the descretion of the officer and they could send you one by mail. They may just note a possible violation in the police report, but not actually cite you; I have seen that. I agree that civil liability is your number one issues. You have a number of defenses, but you MUST tell your insurance company right away.

Timothy P. Brennan, Esq.
Croslis & Brenn an Law Offices
2030 Tilghman Street, Suite 203
Allentown, PA 18104