Answered on Dec 9, 2015
In addition to the monetary issues, you should also be concerned about your physical condition. Often times I see insurance panel doctors ignoring more severe injuries that effect your long term earning capacity – for example torn rotator cuff or broken foot being called a sprain (amputation being called a flesh wound). If you had a smashed and broken foot, you possibly could have nerve, ligament or muscle damages. Even making sue your physical injuries are treated properly often requires an attorney pushing buttons – unfortunately. In addition, as to the mo notary component, this period of your claim is the most important period, many of your future rights depend on what happens at the beginning. For example, if you are terminated or refuse work, you could lose rights to benefits while still having a reduced ability to earn money because of the injury (potentially for a very long time). It is probably best that you speak to an attorney, as prior folks have said, it is free to consult and will likely put you in a better position.